28 December 2006

Loki's Domain goes 'bye-bye'

For those of you who have known me for awhile, you know that I have my own domain. Something rather odd happened recently - I cleared my cache and *poof*...my domain was gone!

Turns out it had expired on the 16th...but did I receive a 'renew now' or 'your domain will expire soon' e-mail? Nuh-uh...not a word, not a peep. Just *poof* =/

Not that I had done anything with my site in the last two years anyway, but still - it's MINE!


N8ey said...

Well, it's not owned by anyone else.

Time to pull out the wallet!


Loki said...

It has already been renewed. Shouldn't you be working or something, N8? ;)

N8ey said...

"Quit spinning in your chair, you're drooling on the floor!"

"Dressing inside out every odd day isn't appropriate work attire!"

"Would you answer the phone once a day at least?"

Gaw, what a slave driver. Completely unreasonable.

At least you reacquired the domain. You've got that going for you - you're not useless and a slave driver.
