23 November 2007

Turkey Trot

My wife's family has this tradition of running a 5K race called the "Turkey Trot" on Thanksgiving Day morning. My first exposure to this was two years ago, and the temperature was somewhere below zero degrees - but they ran anyway (I watched from inside). This year, my wife said that if I wanted to walk it she'd walk with me - so we did.

However, for some reason we decided to run the last leg of the race. I am nowhere near athletic or in shape, but I ran anyway - which probably wasn't a big deal. Then, we kept running faster and faster until we were both sprinting across the finish line.

Later, lots of good food and conversation with family and friends kept my mind off of what I would most likely be in for this morning. Today, I'm sore - and haven't felt certain things ache since I ran Cross Country in high school. But then I think about the fact that I actually signed up, participated in -and- actually ran in a 5K.

I hurt a little - but it feels good overall. Weird...

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